A San Marcos Cosmetic Dentist Explains How to Customize Your Veneers

Published on
February 6, 2024

Porcelain veneers—tooth-colored shells that attach to the front of your teeth—are one of Aqua Springs Dental’s most popular cosmetic dentistry options. These facades make your smile more even and uniform. However, that doesn’t mean everyone’s smile looks the same. Veneers are a remarkably customizable option for several aesthetic dental problems. Our cosmetic dentist in San Marcos breaks down how to use their flexibility to get the smile you’ve been looking for.

Color-Match or Whiten Your Smile

Many people associate veneers with a full smile rehaul. For some, that’s the appeal—altering your entire look to get a whiter smile. If that’s your goal, we can go over the shades with you to get you a bright smile that still looks natural.However, veneers don’t have to cover every tooth. You may just want one or two discolored or misshapen teeth covered to match the rest of your smile. In that case, the Aqua Springs Dental team makes sure your veneers are stained to blend in with your other teeth.

Find a Size and Shape That’s Just Right

Another common assumption about veneers is they make your teeth bigger. They can certainly do that, if that’s what you want! For people with “gummy” teeth that appear small, veneers can elongate each tooth for a bigger smile. Veneers can do a lot more than that. Our cosmetic dentist in San Marcos takes an impression of your teeth and works with a dental lab, so your veneers fit onto your natural teeth perfectly while covering flaws you want to hide. You get a tooth size and shape that’s exactly what you want.

Address Specific Cosmetic Issues

We already mentioned gummy smiles as one reason to get veneers. This versatile procedure can also help with:

  • Discoloration: Whether your teeth are darkened from coffee, medications, or damage, veneers conceal the stain.
  • Chips or Cracks: Superficial damage to teeth that doesn’t require a dental procedure like dental crowns can be covered by veneers.
  • Gaps: If you’re self-conscious about spacing between your teeth, veneers applied to the teeth on both sides of the gap can close the space.
  • Misalignment: Veneers give the appearance of straighter teeth, covering up minor misalignments without the need for orthodontic care.
  • Uneven Teeth: Daily wear and tear can mean your teeth are worn down in some places. Porcelain veneers smooth out uneven wear.

Get Tips from a Cosmetic Dentist San Marcos

Getting veneers at Aqua Springs Dental means you also benefit from the advice and knowledge of our cosmetic dentistry staff. Our dentists draw on years of experience in creating and fitting porcelain veneers. We can offer insider insights into how to pick the right color, shape, and size based on your teeth, lifestyle, and desires. If you don’t know where to start, start with us!

Ask Questions for a Tailored Experience

If you’re curious about veneers, schedule a consultation with us to talk about how they can change your smile for the better. Our cosmetic dentist and support staff can evaluate your teeth, break down the specific ways we can improve their aesthetics, and set you up for a brighter, straighter smile in just two appointments. Reach out to Aqua Springs Dental today to get all your questions answered.

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